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Pied Piper - Title

A Symphonic Tale in Poetry and Song



This is the legendary tale of the Pied Piper, the Magical Man who rids the medieval town of Hamelin of its plague of rats, only to be deceived by the greed of a misguided Mayor, newly told in poetic narrative and song with a joyfully happy ending.

"The story springs vividly to life through the delightfully captivating words and music of the writer, composer/lyricist Dorothy Lees-Blakey.




 Mayor and Council   "The Minstrel's fascinating story telling, the Piper's magical spells, the betrayal by the Mayor, the flight of the rats, the loss and final joyous return of the children...all create a rich tapestry of emotion which is beautifully captured in this exciting new symphonic piece.
Rats taking the plunge
"Old rats, young rats, fathers, mothers
Husbands, wives, sisters and brothers,
Uncles, aunts and distant cousins
Running through the streets in dozens,
Till they reached the Weser River,
Where without a single shiver
They ran past the piping Piper
Into all that swirling water
And were gone!"

"Through the skillfully crafted interweaving of music, poetry and song, the audience is taken to a world where Magic becomes real and Mystery becomes reality. In this world we learn the value of keeping one's word and the consequences of falsehoods. We see that life's simple lessons go beyond the infinite limits of time. We can laugh at the King Rat's evil intentions and scorn the behavior of the hypocritical Mayor. We can marvel at the Magic Piper and even happily sing along to his songs."


Pied Piper and children

  Illustrations © André Amstutz from The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1993) 
  with the kind permission of the publishers, Orchard Books, London.  

To hear extracts of some of the songs click here



"As an educational tool, the Pied Piper instills in audiences    young and old an appreciation for the lush sounds 
and richly diverse musical colors of a symphony orchestra, 
thus incorporating a lesson in music appreciation
 to create a truly memorable experience which they will cherish throughout their lives, and which will send them home
 with a smile and a song in their hearts."



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       © 2001 Dorothy Lees-Blakey      All rights reserved